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Support Tips

Provide support Did You Know? Parents with a new baby require as much time together as possible to get to know each other. Other family members and visitors should look for ways to assist with the household chores so that the new baby has plenty of uninterrupted bonding time to adjust. Provide comfort Kevin’s Story […]

Using a Pump

Arrange use of a pump Practice expressing, storing and feeding your milk Paced Bottle Feeding Use these tips when feeding from a bottle:

Make a Plan

Make a plan for back to work or school Talk to your supervisor, academic advisor, or school nurse about your postpartum plans. Did You Know? A breastfed baby is less likely to get sick, so you will miss fewer days from work or school.

Your Mental Health

Mental health in pregnancy and postpartum Tips for Improved Mental Health Did You Know? During pregnancy or up to a year after delivery, about 15-20% of people experience significant depression or anxiety with symptoms that generally last more than 2 weeks. Resources Postpartum Support International (PSI): Call/Text in English: 800-944-4773 | Text en Español: 971-203-7773 […]

Signs of Success

Signs your baby is getting enough milk Did You Know? Weight loss is common. It is common for babies to lose weight in the first week of life. They should regain their birth weight by 10–14 days.

Pain Relief

Many people find it easier to cope with early labor at home, and there are many ways to help cope with the pain of labor that do not involve medication. Talk to your healthcare provider about your options for pain relief during labor. Know the benefits and concerns for each option. Follow the guidance of […]

Build a Network

Set up a network of support before your baby is born that can help you when you get home. Be certain to consider your neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family. If you’re feeling sad or worried, remember that you’re not alone. Talk about your feelings to your healthcare provider. Seek help early, don’t wait! Build Your […]