Common Concerns

In the early days and weeks, your baby may need to eat every 1-2 hours, or more. Twelve feedings in 24 hours is not uncommon.

Feeding your baby on cue early helps to bring in a full milk supply and maintain it.

Another reason for low milk supply is that the baby is not latched well to your breast and is not removing all the milk he or she could be getting.

If you think your baby might not be getting enough milk please seek help from your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant.

All babies will have periods of fussiness and crying throughout the day and night. There may be a specific time of day when you notice your baby’s fussiness increasing.

This is normal, and may not be due to hunger. Immature digestion can cause some discomfort to many new babies.

If your baby is upset right after a full feeding or is not gaining weight, please contact your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant to determine if your baby is getting enough milk during a feed.

Breastfeeding is a learned art that takes a lot of practice and support for many mothers and babies.

Usually, it gets much easier and more enjoyable once you both get the hang of it - and each other.

Getting support from a friend who breastfeeds, a mothers support group, a peer counselor or a lactation consultant can help you continue to meet your breastfeeding goals.

Discomfort during breastfeeding should be minimal. Painful breastfeeding is not normal.

Many times, painful breastfeeding is relieved by improving the baby’s latch.

If your nipples are very sore, cracked or bleeding, please contact a lactation consultant for a feeding assessment. In the meantime try to ensure your baby is latched-on well.

If you are struggling with this decision, please contact a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider to reassess your feeding goals.

It’s important that your baby stays well-nourished and that your decisions are well informed.

Also, it’s important that you share your feeding plans with your healthcare team so they can provide individual education specifically to meet your needs.

Feeding any amount of formula may decrease your milk supply.

Despite what you may hear or read, formula is not a solution for fussiness, gas, or spit up.

These are normal infant behaviors that are common to all babies. Formula can actually be harder for some babies to digest, which can increase your baby’s discomfort.

If your breasts feel swollen, hard, heavy and tender, then they’re engorged.

As milk changes from colostrum to mature milk in the days after delivery, breast tissues may swell, and it can be difficult for the milk to be removed from the breast due to the swelling.

Breast massage, hand expression, or ice packs on the breasts help to reduce the discomfort and swelling.

Feeding your baby frequently keeps the milk flowing during this time, and you will feel more comfortable in 24-48 hours. If you feel feverish or have a hot red spot on your breast, or if your baby is not able to latch and remove milk, please contact your healthcare provider immediately.

For babies, crying is a natural and normal way of self-expression.

It can mean that something is making the baby uncomfortable or unhappy, such as too much activity or handling, a dirty diaper, or even tummy pains.

It can also mean that the baby just needs to be close to you. Babies who are hungry do cry, but it is a late sign of hunger.

It’s normal to see an increase in periods of infant crying until about 2 months of age, and then those periods will begin to lessen.

If you’re having a hard time coping with your baby’s crying, seek help from your partner, family, friends, or healthcare provider.

NEVER shake a baby. Try skin-to-skin contact and gentle noises.

Night waking is normal and healthy for newborns.

Babies don’t know night from day yet. When your baby wakes up at night he or she may be uncomfortable, hungry, or in need of help getting back to sleep.

Hold your baby close as you determine what your baby needs.

Always follow safe-sleep recommendations and avoid falling asleep with your baby on a sofa or chair.

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